Quality for our company is synonymous to our License to perform business. Our main priority is to satisfy, from our very first encounter, each of our customers‘ needs and continue working tirelessly to instill trust and achieve Customer Delight.
We choose our suppliers very carefully, ensuring that the conditions of production, storage and transport of products are in line with international practice. We are investing in the training of our staff, while at the same time developing and implementing a Quality and Safety Management System. We are certified with Bio International Standards.
Our Management and our employees believe in continuous improvement and are committed to:
- Implement and continuously improve our Quality Management System.
- Safeguard food hygiene and safety.
- Use non-genetically modified products.
- Continually train our staff.
- Continually improve our processes and practices.
- Work for our customers’ continuous satisfaction.
- Work constantly to improve our facilities and our procedures.
- Comply with national and Community law.
Thus, our market image will be constantly improved along with the sense of pride and satisfaction of our employees.